My parents are doing some cleaning and they came across my Atari 2600 from days long past… I can’t wait to get it back to my house to see if it still operates, so I can chomp some dots or make trickshots to blow up little tanks. w00t!
Maybe sometime this week I’ll actually get around to hooking it up… got some deadlines coming up the week after next, so it’s getting to be crunch time at work.
I actually remembered part of a dream last night… so here it goes. Comments are in ()’s.
Somehow I get on the Price Is Right (I know, but I grew up watching this show, remember). Bob Barker still had his black hair, so that makes it sometime in the early 80’s, and I get to participate in this game where I win by punching this wall. Every time I hit the wall, I see this bright flash, and next thing I know it I’m at the Big Wheel (and have no idea if I actually won the game). I must have been the only one on the show, because it’s just me and Bob up there. I go to spin the Wheel, but I can’t let go of the handles and I get sucked underneath the wheel, but it’s in slow motion. I don’t know why.
At this point I wake up, mostly confused. Interestingly enough, I used to have a Price Is Right dream when I was little, but the first part was different (how, I don’t know, it just was). It always ended with me getting sucked underneath the Big Wheel.
I have a feeling this dream was triggered again by the Million Dollar Price is Right series that’s running in prime time now. Why I had it in the first place I have no idea.
Not quite shooting RJ off a double decker bus, but strange nonetheless. 😉
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