Well, today was a pretty good day.
I involuntarily slept in today since my alarm clock got reset by a power outage. Luckily enough, when I bolted out of bed thinking I missed class, I found it was an hour until I had to be up. So I settled back to sleep pretty quickly.
So I get up and go to class, listened to Dr. KnowsEveryone prattle on about something-or-other that he purports to have been at. I think it had something to do with the time Bill Gates bailed out Mac, the teacher claims to have been at the Mac convention.
Class is over nearly 45 minutes early (w00t!), so I head back home to see if Tasha is up yet. She is, so I stay for a few minutes before I have to go to work.
Work was frustrating today, mostly because I’m learning PHP sessions and it sucks being one pace behind the learning curve on something. I finally fought my way through it by the end of the day. Score one for the good guys.
I spent most of this evening coding the rest of the content management system for my class, I think it’s almost to the point where I can call it done. I just have some simple site design stuff left to do and it will be a done deal. Hooray!
So I come home, Tasha and I go out for dinner, and I come back to finish coding. I’m such a lucky guy to have a woman that will let me sit around and program while she is here visiting… I guess that was kind’ve the point of this post.
Oh, and I almost forgot…
![]() I drive fast, I turn fast, I do everything fast. I even breakfast. I tend to confuse people with my sudden changes of heart. Sometimes I even confuse myself, which tends to cause problems. What Video Game Character Are You? |
If I wasn’t one of those, I’d be a Gauntlet Adventurer, but I had to go back and gank that graphic because I didn’t copy it the first time. Kinda fun stuff.
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