Well, I came home from work and took an extended nap tonight, and it yielded a very strange dream. Well, maybe not so much strange as it was odd… here we go…
Anyway, in this dream I am going to a Rod Stewart and Robin Williams concert (I’m not sure comedians have concerts, but that is how it was billed) at Washington School Auditorium. We get there morbidly late, and only catch the last joke that Robin tells. Anyway, the entire place empties out pretty fast, and it’s just me and my friends there. For some reason I’m compelled to take digital pictures of the auditorium, so we decide to wait around to see if we could get an autograph.
Eventually, Robin comes back out and me and my friends go up to see if we can get him to sign some Magic cards for us (I know, I really am a geek, let’s continue), and he agrees. He starts to sign a card one of my friends brought, and asked me if I’d get him a glass of water. For some reason I know where the catering table is, so I walk back into the scenery of the auditorium and there it is, a long white table with those push the big button on the top coffee dispensers filled with coffee, jam, and water. There’s also a large bucket of ice, so I get him some water and head back out there. I notice a side door right next to the table so I look in, and Rod Stewart is passed out (asleep, I think) on a bed. This creeps me out so I don’t ask questions.
When I get back to where I left Robin Williams, my friends are nowhere to be seen and Robin has been waylaid by my Complex Director of my Residence Hall, who is berating him in a side office about his contract or some damned thing. Remembering that I had my digital camera back by my seat, I run over there to get it before it gets ripped off and find a post it note from one of my friends that was stuck to it saying how awesome of an autograph he got and how it sucked that I took off.
So I go back to see if Robin is ready to sign something for me, and he’s still getting bitched at by my complex director. There happens to be a large TV in the middle of the stage now, so I sit down to pass the time, and BAM, I wake up.
Pretty weird. I blame the pudding pops.
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