I don’t know if it was because of the medication that I am on, or the psychological damage I incurred yesterday, but last night yielded one of the most disturbing dreams I can remember of late.
I don’t have a whole lot of details, but I do remember my Dad and I driving in this old beatup truck to this shed. He gets out and pulls the thing around to the back of the shed, and then opens up the doors to reveal… wait for it…
The biggest pile of shit you’ve ever seen.
Then he proceeds to produce these shovels and tell me that it’s our job to move the pile into the flatbed of the truck. This is perhaps one of the grossest sequences I’ve ever had crop up inside my head.
So we get done moving the pile, and I notice a cow laying down in the back of the shed. My Dad says that sometimes they crap themselves to death, and this one must have done that. So we get in the truck, and for some reason end up driving to the Leeway of the old West Campus.
Right in front of the soda machine there stands Erbe-san. Why? I don’t know. But there he was. He makes some wisecrack about how crappy we look (har har), and we continue on to drop off our load into one of the classrooms.
At this point I remember going to work on this weird scrapbook full of strange images and a writeup for each one. For some reason I am working on this like it is a class project, and then my Dad shows up again. Apparently now it’s our job to craft our load of crap into this large flat disc shape so it can set up like concrete.
At this point I wake up, shocked and confused.
Apparently on some psychological level, I am the Poopsmith.
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