Today Garrett and I finished three more projects, which just goes to show why this University needs another programmer. He has gotten to do the smaller, more dull projects that have been piling up so he can learn, and I have spent my time adding some advanced features to some of our existing software. It’s really too bad that he only showed up when I’m leaving, we could’ve had some awesome software written with a little more time together.
We also were granted some Geek Karma for IMing about one of our bosses instead of making the extra effort to actually speak to one another, a feat made more impressive by the fact that our desks are two feet apart. Got a sideways comment from John about when I was going to be going away from here for good, to which I got to reply something to the effect of “I’d like it better if I didn’t have to leave”, and he trailed off into a thought about “there must be jobs here somewhere…”
I don’t know if that was a probe or if it was just an idle question, either way my plans will unfold next week when we start to hatch plans to get me to remain on the University payroll full time.
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