The semester has broken over the coast here and it looks like it’s going to be an interesting one. Our Honors director got appointed to interim dean, so he will be leaving us, and our chain of command has been pretty shaken up all week. The associate director is stepping up to director, and we’re getting a new associate director. All in all, these changes are good, but they have thrown my office into a state of constant turmoil.
So I sit around and update my blog all day long, basically.
I was awarded for my greater than rudimentary technology knowledge with a new flat screen LCD monitor and a new (well, Pentium 3 is newer than Pentium Pro) machine to do my web maintenence, chatting, and emailing duties. This should make multi-purposing my time here with classwork all the more easy.
Aside from that, Boyle showed up two days ago from Missouri, so I’ve not had a good nights sleep since he came. He’s camped out on my floor, so we usually end up watching Family Guy and visiting for most of the night. It’s a good time, but I think I’m going to lock him out after he goes golfing at 3 pm so I can catch a nap after I get off work. This plan should work flawlessly.
Right now I’m waiting for Windows Update to stop molesting my system so I can continue acting productive. I just hope it finishes quickly, I’ve got Slashdot to compulsively refresh all day long.
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