Labor Day weekend this year was pretty satisfying for me, Boyle came in and we spent a LOT of time shooting pool and bowling. It is decidedly good that he came, because otherwise I would have driven myself mad. No one else stayed on the floor, so I was basically by myself. If I learned any lessons about myself this summer, it was that I can’t stand being alone with myself. Pyschologists can insert in whatever analysis they feel fit here, but I drive myself crazy when I’m stuck with nothing else to do.
Anyway, back to the weekend… all day Friday was spent in and out of meetings. Boyle arrived about 7 o’clock on Friday night. We ended up shooting pool for an inordinately long amount of time, and I don’t think either one of us crashed before 6 am. I had a meeting with Karmon on Saturday at 2 pm, and I narrowly missed sleeping right through the thing. I showed up approximately five minutes late, but luckily she understood that having a friend in town sometimes wrecks the sleep schedule. What a great friend she is. 🙂
After that, we got food, and proceeded to watch much of the third season of the Simpsons on DVD (excellent buy, I might add), and the Family Guy. Again, insert the bowling and pool here, and Saturday is spent. Sunday, we again slept quite late, and then ran into Everett and Keith unexpectedly on the way to get food. After bowling again, we went and watched them play the last few games of a Magic booster draft.
We decided to run out and rent Road to Perdition because Boyle hadn’t seen it yet, and I thought it was an excellent movie. For some reason it reminded me of the film studies we used to do in my Honors Seminars, and I really enjoyed watching the artsy parts of the film unfold, and Tom Hanks continue to cement his role as Legendary Actor #443.
Surprisingly, even with all of this pool and bowling, I was able to complete the first stage of my independant study by creating a simple Java Chat Client and Server that will talk to each other. I need to add some features to it like chat rooms, private messaging, admin controls and then it will be on to trying to integrate it into VRML for this Virtual Worlds class I am taking. Pretty interesting, but I’m not sure the VRML part is going to work out as well as my instructor expects that it will.
That pretty much wrapped up my Labor Day weekend, Boyle left today, and Tasha comes in tomorrow. I’m quite looking forward to this, since Tasha and I haven’t been able to spend a couple of days together in at least two weeks.
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