Today has jumped off to a great start. It’s getting to be that crucial time of year when I’m forced to jump through hoops for the Student Activities Office, so they will continue to let me show up the Rec Center once a week and sigh sadly as no one joins me for Karate Club. This year, however, there is a slight ray of hope, as the hapkido club that meets in the other half of our room during my meetings have offered to do some cross-training with us so they can learn some Shotokan and theoretically I could learn some hapkido.
I finally got sick of feeling like drek every other morning and asked my Karate student if there was any other time (late at night, later in the morning) that he can come in to practice because I found that I was all geared up to train the night before, but getting up at 5 am sapped so much life out of me the most I could muster is an annoyed tone to yell commands at this kid. I hope he can figure out some other time, because I want to train again, dammit.
Yesterday, I got an inordinate amount of work done on my Masters Project. I got almost an entire module completed, and it was one of the more confusing modules that involved allowing an end-user to define a web site navigation. I also got a significant amount of work done on my homework assignment that is due next Thursday, I’d like to have it ready to roll on Tuesday so I can move onward to other things. In addition to all of this, I was able to plow my way through the second disk of the second Family Guy DVD set. I am a mere seven episodes away from having watched the entire series of the show. It’s both sad and happy at the same time.
I got an email from my contact person at Caterpillar this morning, he immediately forwarded a request to HR on my behalf. He seems to think I will hear from them soon. 🙂 Here’s to hoping!
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