I had a late-in-the-morning dream this morning, and coincidently I remember most of it. Before I carry on, I must explain that I am currently reading the Salmon of Doubt, the posthumous work of Douglas Adams. In the most recent passage I have read, he goes on for a bit about the world’s largest dam, and how terrible of a thing this is.
Well, apparently my subconscious dream coprocessor took over where this left off.
I am walking over Pekin Bridge, which apparently is a gigantic dam now which is holding back a ridiculous amount of water. I distinctly remember Matt being there, possibly Boyle too. Right as we get across the bridge, I hear a large cracking sound and look behind me just in time to see devestation wash over Pekin. Somehow I do the scared cat up a tree thing and bolt up an embankment, which is very much like wet clay and begins to break apart and fall out from under me as I attempt to find level footing.
In moments of desperation, I find myself wishing for something to grab ahold of, and little Super Mario Bros style bricks would emerge from the clay at exactly these moments and linger just long enough for me to grab ahold, think how lucky I am, and then begin to panic as I realize that I’m stories off the ground and there is nothing but crumpled houses and bodies and dead fish and Bartonville below me.
This is where I wake up, having overslept for work. Freud, if you please…
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