I notice that my last update was four days ago, which is totally unacceptable.
I spent this weekend catching up on sleep and working on my Masters Project. I have nearly completed the largest remaining module, so I feel that things are turning up for me. After my boss gets the templates ready, we’ll be in good shape for putting this mofo to bed.
I had a phone interview on Friday. The interview went very well, but I have come to find that I am not a good fit for this company. They want me back for a second interview, but I don’t really want to work there. The pay they offer is too low and there is too much BS involved with the day to day dealings of the place. I’ll continue to hedge my bets elsewhere, keeping them in mind only if nothing else surfaces.
I have come to find out that my dear sweet fiancee is needing to rebel. As long as this doesn’t involve dumping me or landing her in jail, I support her random acts of rebellion. Stick it to the man, sweetheart!
I just got off the phone from talking with Matt. I have not done this in quite a long time and it was a great thing to behold. I can’t wait until I can get back over to Pekin so I can be closer to my good friends and farther away from here. I don’t have much else to report now, with the exception that I had a few interesting dreams this weekend. One of which involved me as Wolverine from X-Men acting out some skit that crossed over into various other comic books/movies, and the others were mundane, but something significant seemed to happen that I can’t recall what it was.
More later!
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