Yesterday was an interesting day. I’ve been battling insomnia for about a week now, and I had been running just shy of E on the ol’ sleep tank. Last night I was actually able to muster five and half hours, which is by far the most sleep I’ve had in a week. All day yesterday I was vaccilating between comatose and ultra-comatose.
I finished my midterm project in my Graphics class with about three days to spare and was finally able to turn it in to my professor yesterday. Also, I was able at some point to secure the final professor for my trio I needed for my Masters Committee. I decided to tap the Shocked Looking Indian Professor whose pants appear to have a stranglehold on him. He’s always been a fan of my ecommerce efforts, so I figured it’d be only natural to wow him with my project.
I came home, and the only thing I was focused on was NOT falling asleep during the early evening so that I might sleep during the night like a normal human. Unfortunately, my energy levels were so ridiculously low at this point that I didn’t want to rouse the effort to go and get dinner at a reasonable hour. I ended up finally driving to McDonalds about 8 last night, which means the wave of energy from eating hit about 11. So there goes sleeping like a human.
I shot some pool with my buddy Mike until about 2:30 am, and then I crashed hard. Huzzah.
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