Weird Dream this morning… I was at some Nerd Convention, and they had various raffles going on. For some reason, I happened across a raffle with the following sign: “Win Dinner and a Night Out with my son, Mark Hamill” then in small print “winner is the person who offers the most money, in $150 increments, with max of $1,500”.
Behind the raffle table is a haggard looking man that looks vaguely like Mark Hamill. I assume this was his father.
For some reason I elected to bid the maximum amount, full well knowing that there is no way I can afford to spend $1,500 to eat a steak with Mark Hamill. So I spend the rest of the dream milling around the convention center, thinking of ways I can get out of this without paying.
Then I wake up, thouroughly confused as to why my subconscious mind decided on this course of events.
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