Aside from the brief hours I got to spend with Tasha this morning (she had to go back to Pekin to continue her newly rekindled job search), today has been a total waste. I played a little Gemstone while I tried to work up the initiative to work on my Masters Project, and by the time I was ready to work on it the FTP server here was so slow I couldn’t get a 13k file uploaded before timeout.
So I spent the rest of the night waiting for South Park to come on, and then after that got done I watched Antitrust with a friend of mine that kept falling asleep during the crucial plot points of the movie. I’m still not done with my Revolutions review, I think I might have to see it another time before I’m content enough to finalize my thoughts on this one.
Horrible thing happened about 2 pm today… I ran out of Diet Coke. I tried to tide myself over with some Diet Pepsi. It didn’t work. After suffering through two cans of Diet Pepsi (or diet syrupy pisswater, as it will now be known), I decided to make a 3 am Walmart run with
Apart from that, some dogfaced turd took my parking place in the 10 minutes we were gone. There is no reason other human beings should be roaming around at this hour, 3 am is MY TIME, dammit. I think it’s nearing time to expire for the night. Maybe tomorrow I can actually get some work done.
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