On Friday, I accomplished a strange feat… knocking someone out with kihon.
We elected our officers at Karate Club on Friday. After this was done, I decided to lead them through an asskicking basics workout. About 10 minutes in, our red belt raises his hand and asks what he should do if he’s feeling lightheaded. I told him to go get some water, then come back and rest a bit before we continue.
He did, and he sat down on the sideline. About five minutes later, he raises his hand from the side and says “Sensei… help.” then falls over. He was as white as a sheet, so I slapped him a few times and he came around. I got him talking again, and then got him some more water to drink. Turns out he had only had three mini-Snickers bars all day. After he revived and filled out an accident report form, we had a good laugh and fun was had by all.
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