On Wednesday, I presented my Masters Project to my three-professor Masters Board. My presentation went extremely well and they were all very impressed. The graduate chair of the Computer Science department told me that my documentation was some of the best he’s seen in 25 years, and he was the one I was most concerned about during the whole proceedings. All that is left is for them to sign the form to clear me for takeoff.
So I’m done. My last class was Thursday, and our professor allowed us to double our midterm grade (I got an A) as our final grade. I have successfully earned my Masters Degree with a 4.0 GPA, getting done six months early. I don’t usually come right out and say this, but I’m proud of myself. The job prospects look promising, and everything is turning up.
My former boss has allowed me a one week contract to work over finals week so I can make a little money off of my Masters Project, which will be going to their care and developement. They plan to make it available University-wide sometime next month. So I will work until Friday, graduate, and head back to Pekin to spend (at least) a few weeks with my fiancee, friends, and family. Words can’t express how good the next few weeks are going to be. I can’t wait!
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