I just figured now was time to state the obvious. I hate job hunting. It seems that everything requires experience, or some strange skillset that I don’t have. I still apply for these jobs, but I usually do not hear from anyone. I unintentionally screwed up my Cat application, I transcribed the job title and salary of one job and the requirements from another job into the same spot when filling out my employment history, now I either have to wrestle another application from them or become Wu Tang Whiteout Ninja. Either way, it still sucks.
I recently interviewed with a place in Peoria that is a medical collections agency. The HR woman was very nice and happy, and said the place was a great place to work. The IT guy was definitely a realist. He said that there would be a lot of daily deadlines that had to be met before you went home, they used a very proprietary system called Pyramid, and all of this joy was based on SCO OpenUnix. For those of you that don’t know, SCO is attempting to roll over one of my favorite movements in computer science right now, so I internally fought the urge to overturn his desk and manually insert my leg into this guys skull. I resisted, and the guy said that they wouldn’t be filling the position until after the first of the year, and my limited professional experience “wouldn’t count against me and I’d be considered the same as everyone else.” Wa-hoo. Good to know that extra two years of school won’t count against me, chief. He went on to say that they generally start people out on a lower salary and let them “prove themselves” before they are moved up to their final salary, of which he could not quote a range. Why, oh why, can’t I have enough funds to start my own business?
Unfortunately, I can’t accurately vent this stress into Karate like I normally do because of this back injury. I always feel like a gigantic wussy when I have an injury, but for some reason this time it’s worse. I want to train and can’t, and that blows. I only hope it’s just a bruised disk so I can get back to training in two weeks, otherwise I’m going to go crazy.
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