Christmas has once again come and gone and now… the holiday wrapup.
First we’ll start with the interesting news: my little sister is engaged to her boyfriend of several years, Justin. This kid is one of the more hilarious people I’ve ever met and it will be good to have him as a brother-in-law. Ains is thrilled, and so is the rest of the family. They plan to get married in the vicinity of January 2006. I wonder how old this makes my dojomates feel. 🙂
Secondly, you will note in Tasha’s blog that per a long-standing family tradition that I apparently forgot about in its entirety, my dear fiancee was graced with slinky lingerie from my mothers banjo-playing family. My great uncle who has been dead and gone for over ten years now started this tradition, and because of this fact I had totally forgotten about it. As soon as my mom gets the picture of Tasha opening this gift off of her digital camera, I swear it will be here.
Thirdly, I got a Trogdor the Burninator t-shirt from Tasha for Christmas, and a GameCube (with Zelda Pack, w00t!) from my parents. I have not been eight years old for a long time, and it feels goood. Super Mario Sunshine should not be sold to minors, as it is highly addictive and cancer causing. Metroid Prime should not be played after a five hour jag of Super Mario Sunshine, as it causes sooner than instant insomnia. Because of these two games, I have not had the chance to play the other two games (Pikmen and Namco Classics Collection) that I picked up.
I was more excited by the gifts I got to give (or help give) this year. I got my parents Tivo, and after explaining to them what it was they were thrilled. My mom got my dad a Big-Ass Recliner that she’s been wanting to get him for years and I got to help her assemble that on Christmas Eve, so that was fun. I got Tasha the rest of the works of Tolkien in two box sets, so I know she will be in nerded bliss for quite awhile. I can’t wait for the day when I can give gifts like this every year. 🙂
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