Where the answer is almost always 42.
For some strange reason, I noticed tonight that I have the hands of a 75 year old man. They’re all lumpy, misshapen, and scarred up. They ache when I type for a long time. The left one makes this weird squeaking noise when I move my fingers. For some reason my hands are aging millenia […]
Vanir was right, I did indeed get a refusal letter from LightSky yesterday. I sent them a message in an attempt to determine what went wrong, all initial indications from professionals that understand things like this point to something internally. I thought they were excited about getting me on board over there, but something must’ve […]
I got this in my Inbox this morning. I can’t say that it makes a lot of sense, but that’s life. I coulda sworn I would at least get an offer from these people. I have several swears in mind, all of which are too dirty for the web. I’m going to try to find […]
On Wednesday, I presented my Masters Project to my three-professor Masters Board. My presentation went extremely well and they were all very impressed. The graduate chair of the Computer Science department told me that my documentation was some of the best he’s seen in 25 years, and he was the one I was most concerned […]
After two weeks of writing, my Masters Project documentation is done. 60 pages, all told. Presentations on Wednesday, hopefully that will finish it off nicely. Not much else to report, aside from an email interview questionairre thing from Microsoft about potential employment. I’m hedging my bets with Lightsky right now. We’ll see. More later.