Out of sheer boredom tonight, I decided to do some poking around on the Internet for marriage preparation information in order to see if it’s all as stupid as the 156 question Agree/Disagree/Undecided metric that the Catholic Church requires.
My answer, surprisingly, is no. There are actually several sites out there that offer what appears to be meaningful relationship and marriage counseling information, mostly communication exercises. After almost a year of reading sites like that, I think I’m intellectually prepared and am now ready just to get in there and do it. No pun intended.
Tomorrow, John (my cousin and best man) and I are going to Peoria to get his gigantic can measured for a tuxedo. I suspect several Phillipino sweatshop workers will give their lives in laboring over the reams of fabric it will take to cover that kid’s enormous frame. Naturally, being males, we do not inherently know our way to the bridal shop, so we could end up at Big Al’s, Tijuana, or The Bad Part of Town ™. Should be fun, to say the least.
In other news, about 8:30 am today Tasha interviews with ATS in Peoria for an Assistant Help Desk Technician position. Everyone cross your fingers for her, she deserves a job better than the one she has right now. I’m sure she’ll post with the results.
My mom picked up “The da Vinci Code” the other night… she said it’s good, but I want to let her finish it first to see if it’s worth it before I start in on it. Anyone read this book?
That’s all for me this morning, I might post more when I resuscitate tonight.
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