Today I received a befuddling email. It was from the IT Recruiting / Placement Coordinator at Cat and it turns out that “[d]ue to a very successful fall recruiting program, we have completed our interviewing and hiring process and have filled our allocations for 2004.” That’s very interesting… I could’ve swore that I got a message two weeks ago stating that I got an interview.
At this point, I am not entirely sure that this disqualifies me right now. When attempting to get interest from Cat, I started talking to two parties. One was my Dad, the other was a cousin of a friend of mine. Both work in some capacity for the Systems and Processes department at Cat. Tomorrow I am going to call to see if this is only one of the leads expiring, or if this in fact does actually cancel my interview.
I will withhold seething rage until I find out one way or another, but be forewarned… if my interview is cancelled Uber-Rage will ensue.
In a day just oozing with great job news, I found out that a Japanese acquaintance of mine has applied for the job that I wanted at WIU. Unfortunately, I found out from an inside friend of mine that he had worked for the same department for two years and has experience running the auditing system that this job focuses on, and is generally well liked by that department. Also, I found out that his supervisor is on the hiring committee. On the plus side, I am told that he and I are on the top of the pile. I feel that my good references, my GPA, and the fact that I can communicate well might be able to edge him out, but this is a development that I was not expecting. Hopefully I will make it to an interview so I can put the figurative boot in his rear.
I will not descend to screaming angst about not finding a job right now, I’ve had about enough of it for one day. I ask that everyone cross their fingers that this was just a mix-up at Cat, or something else shakes loose that I’m not expecting. Thank you, a-good night.
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