Last night I had this strange dream that I attribute mostly to the fact that I was in bed five hours earlier than normal. I was in my room, trying to sleep (original beginning to a dream, I know), when I hear this strange tapping and yelling noise outside my window. I open my blinds to find a bunch of fraternity looking guys in six-year-old mode throwing a basketball up against my wall/on the roof of my house. This enrages me, because I hate frat guys most of the time.
For some strange reason, my elementary school friends house is within eyeshot of my house, and I see his Dad in the window. I thought, great, he’s going to lay the smack down on them. Instead, he opens the window and tells them to come in for pork chops, and at this time I feel it prudent to take matters into my own hands. I ask the guys politely to stop throwing the ball against my house because I have an interview tomorrow and need sleep. They mock me the way frat guys tend to do. The leader comes up to my window, pulls up the screen, pushes my window up, and unlatches the lock from the outside. He then climbs in my window. At this point, heart pounding rage ensues, and I swing hard at his face. He evaporates into a fine powder, and I wake up with my heart pounding in freak-out mode.
I was thirsty then, so I got up for a glass of water. That made another 50/50 day of limit Diet Coke and water. Good for me.
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