I was just taking my bath (don’t run, it’s not that scary I promise,) and I saw that we had a new shampoo. I decided to give it a shot. I immediately recognized the smell… it was the same smell as every hotel shampoo that I ever used during my debate days.
This immediately evoked one of my most powerful memories… nearly being smothered to death in my sleep by a fellow debate team member that was hopped up on some sort of (probably illegal) drugs. She was staying over with another one of my teammates, and apparently thought that I was the devil or something while I laid there, sound asleep. I was awoken with a pillow over my face, and the sounds of my fellow teammates dragging her off of me.
Let’s just say she didn’t remain our team captain long. 🙂
Most of my debate team had some sort of unfortunate addiction, several to things like pot or cough syrup, others to sore throat spray. My drug of choice was coffee. I drank enough of it to destroy some third world nations. This stopped after about a year, when early signs of ulcers started showing up. So I switched to Diet Coke, and that has been my drug of choice since then. I’m certainly glad my addiction was to something as harmless as non-alcoholic beverages, because most of my debate partners did not end up so well farther down the Road of Life. Enough for that trip down memory lane, it’s time for bed.
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