I woke up today with sinuses full of crap. Strangely, my throat does not hurt like it usually does with this type of Death, but it is scratchy. I did wake up with The Headband of Pain that usually associates itself with scaling back my caffeine intake, but a few Aleve and my morning Diet Coke helped to knock that away quickly. I hope all of this does not blow up into some stupid Total Death in time for Caterpillar to come calling next week.
Today is my dear fiancee’s birthday, she is 24. I took her shopping last week to get her a charm bracelet that she’s been wanting for a long time, tonight she is planning a scrapbooking get together with my Mom. I’m going to get her another present, but it has to wait until tomorrow as all of the stores that would carry this thing don’t, for some reason.
In unrelated news, tomorrow we head to Bloomington for a long day of D&D. I have a lot of good stuff planned for my unsuspecting victims. 🙂 More on that Sunday.
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