Not much to report today… I stayed up late last night finishing some contract work. This thing came together fast, the guy I’m doing it for should be quite happy. I’m putting in to get paid by him soon because the bank account dwindles by the day. I’m hoping Cat comes through with a signing bonus or something, because I’ll be lucky to survive two more months on basically nothing.
Tonight we are going to a Church sponsored Euchre tournament. I love playing Euchre, it runs in my blood. Every year my family gathers to play at Thanksgiving. I am concerned, because usually I can’t play without a stream of obscenity pouring from my body. The Churchies might stone me if I do that tonight. Tasha and I are playing on a team, and that usually spells no cards and absolute lack of winning, but maybe God will smile tonight.
Tomorrow is D&D, we’re starting early so I’m going to have to get on the stick as far as planning more campaign for my group. I’ll probably have more to post after Euchre tonight.
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