I await my deal from Caterpillar. I spoke to the Woman on Wednesday last week, and she confirmed that I have a job. She was supposed to consult with the woman that does the drawing up for such things, who was on vacation until today. Many people appear to be taking vacations about now, which does not expedite me getting a job. The Other Woman was supposed to contact me today. I don’t like being kept waiting, especially on something this significant.
There was a chance that the Other Woman was rallying some supervisors to my cause, so there could be additional infighting to determine who gets me. Right now I assume this is the case, or the woman is just being slow on the uptake from coming back. I am not worried, I would like to have a week or so to begin financial planning so that I might not starve in the amount of time between the time I start work and I get my first paycheck.
I’m very excited about this job. I just want it to stop being tardy to the party.
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