Today I got a bit of an update from my Dad on the Cat situation. He ran into his supervisor today, and his supervisor mentioned that he was putting in a call today to the person that runs Cat’s webstaff to alert him that I was available.
This development, if it pans out, would be The Super Awesome. If I could handpick a position for myself, it would be on Cat’s webstaff. The guy also indicated the same thing that my HR contact woman said… it’s now not a matter of whether or not I have a job, it’s a matter of who’s taking me and for how much.
I’m secretly (well, not so secretly) hoping that there is some sort of signing bonus, or that they don’t withhold the first month’s check. If they do, I might have to take a temporary loan from the ‘rents until the ship comes in. The bottom of the barrel is here, so hopefully the cash flow starts right up soon.
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