Tonight I was bored so I decided to check out the Star Wars: Clone Wars cartoon miniseries that Cartoon Network is doing for Lucasfilm.
I was skeptical that this was going to be everything but good. I was pleasantly surprised. This feels more like Star Wars than Episodes 1 and 2 combined. I loved it. I’m digging the shots of the Kitt Fisto (Aquaman Jedi), and that crazy bad chick is frickin’ outstanding. I hope she survives to Episode 3.
Since those stingy bastards over at Cartoon Network can’t afford a link to download the episodes, I googled for it and turned up an archive of the entire first season.
His link was broken to the episode that aired tonight, but using my +5 Knowledge (Computers) check, I was able to fix it. You can download that one here. Turns out those silly rabbits over at Lucasfilm think l33tsp34k is a good way to disguise their episode names. I think I deserve another lightsaber now.
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