I am finally sleeping better now that Tasha and I can sleep in the same bed again. The only downside to this is that the bed gets toasty warm and I don’t want to get up and go to work.
This has lead to a funny situation yesterday… I got up at my normal time (6:15 am, thank you very much), got my shower, got dressed and headed out the door. My alarm clock said it was 7:10, and I figure I could head out and get there about 7:40-7:50, like normal. I was in my morning stupor that wears off shortly before I get to work, so I didn’t really look at the clock while heading to work.
I get to my office, open up the door, and there is VERY few people around. This isn’t entirely confusing, as my department is reorganizing a little and folks have been moving in and out all week. I sit down at my desk and fire up my computer. Windows crackles to life, eventually, and I notice that my desktop clock says 7:10.
“How can this be?” I thought to myself. I sat down and started to go about my business of reading a gigantic binder. I still couldn’t quite figure out how I ended up at work at the same time that I left, but I wasn’t going to argue. This just meant that Fate had smiled and I got to leave a little earlier to go see my beautiful wife.
At lunch, I decide to call Tasha to see how things are going for the day. I explained my interesting Time Warp, and she started laughing. Apparently, she was not informed that I no longer required the padding that was afforded by setting the alarm clock a half hour ahead. I stopped doing this about the time that she graduated with her Bachelors, and the few circumstances that I did over-set my alarm clock were the times that she was down visiting. So when she was setting up the bedroom yesterday, she set my alarm clock 30 minutes ahead so I could get up and be functional.
We had a good laugh, and I got to come home about 3:45 pm.
In other news, tonight we are heading to Peoria in order to take back a few duplicated wedding presents and continue the trek to get enough food and gear to be comfortable in our new place. We officially have more kitchen equipment than I have ever comprehended, and we finally got our dinette table and chairs and dresser into the house. My aunt also delivered the grill that she had gotten us second hand, and let me tell you… there isn’t anything second hand about this badboy. It is freaking awesome, and I can’t wait to fire it up!
For the D&D group: the session will be held at our place this weekend, please email me or call for details. While I’m getting the house set up, I will likely be away from the dojo.
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