Oh, how I didn’t want to get up this morning. I remember Tasha asking me who got the first shower this morning, and my response was something like “less talky, more sleepy” or something equally idiotic.
When I finally decided to get out of bed and get my shower, I could tell that most of my morning would be spent in a general daze. The drive to work went uneventfully, except that I recall no fewer than four minivans pulling out in front of me each with a unique and stupid vanity license plate… something like CHERRY12 or FUZBUTT4.
I got to work about 7:45 am so I figured I would check the corporate email (of which I get a metric ton every day) and then check the blogs before slogging through code. Unfortunately, my trainer showed up an hour early. She was in a hurry so the training session consisted mostly of her glossing over details and showing me things I had figured out on my own.
No matter, for I have plenty of other fish to fry today. I have several well-spaced meetings and lunch scheduled, so hopefully the remainder of today will evaporate quickly.
I have a date with the DMV tonight. I know will be nothing but Rage-Inducing. I have to renew my sticker and get a drivers license with my new address on it, luckily they are supposed to close at 6 pm so I should be able to make it to Karate.
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