Well, our desires to go to the Theology on Tap last night were thwarted by my friend Matt at the Verizon store. I found out that I get a corporate discount at Verizon, which lent me 15% off of any plan along with 25% off all the accessories.
It turns out that Verizon’s corporate programs are pretty generous… we got our pick of basically every phone under the upper tier. Tasha and I got $250 phones for $10. They have all sorts of features, my favorite of which is the ability to accept voice commands to do everything on the phone, that way I don’t have to die on the way home from work to talk to
We’ve got the free in-network calling, nights and weekends, and 400 minutes to use otherwise. We also got an accessories pack that included a car charger (w00t), a leather case (eh), and a headset (w00t). The leather case is cool, but you lose the ability to easily put it on the desk charger and it gives you the SuperNerd Utility Belt look, which I’m not ready to commit to yet.
The only downside to this whole exercise is that it took roughly three hours to get everything traded over for my parents,
As I have mentioned before, this model is a flip phone. My old phone is a Nokia Boomerang of Death, which angered the Lord on more than one occassion. I am enjoying the flip phone and I also enjoy the fact that this phone has a vibrate mode. The old phone had a silent ringing mode that just flashed the screen. This is a hard thing to see when it is in your pocket. Add games and ring tones to the mix and I’m a pretty happy camper.
Now I just have to find a Crazy Go Nuts University ring tone for this thing.
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