Since I was out viewing a house last night, I didn’t make it to Karate. I got back to my house at about 7:30 or so and we still had to mull over the prospects of the house we had seen.
I’m getting that tired twitchiness that accompanies not making it to Karate regularly enough to decompress. I’m going on Thursday, no matter now many “awesome houses” there are that came on the market.
In other news last night, I was able to figure out how to SSH into my Linux box, so I at least have some measure of control over it from my other PC. Strangely enough, the vncserver doesn’t seem to want to pick up my connection, so I can’t do the remote desktop thing as I would like. Yet.
It is really trooping along though, picking up a ton of Simpsons, Futurama, American Idol, Chappelle’s Show, and others for me last night. I didn’t get to do much more on the development side of things for it last night, as I had to go and hang out with my cousin John for a bit after I got back from the house thing. I did, however, start to explore sleeker, more awesome case designs for the system. Among ones that I liked were the Half-Life 2 and the Vesperdeco wood case. If I can pull off anything as cool as that I’m going to buy myself a Geekman Action Figure.
(My cousin) John is still up to his crazy ways, we shot a few racks of pool and he played on his guitar a bit before he got a booty call from a friend of his. I was thrown out so he could have sex with her on his pool table, which is a lovely image if ever there was one. I wasn’t too dejected because it had gotten to be about 11:30 pm in the meantime, so it was about time for me to go and retire for the night anyway. Tasha was playing a little bit of Neverwinter Nights before she headed to bed, so I was happy to see that she was still awake when I got home.
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