Karate was very interesting last night. Conover led exercises, and stopped a few times to get requests from the class on what to do. He was asking what kind of Japanese situps everyone wanted to do, and I piped up to remind him this was his warmups and to do what he wanted. That seemed to work, because it stopped the dialog that he was having with a few of the younger students.
Sensei Hartman took us through a bunch of tension then relaxation drills for the first class, which is something we haven’t done for quite awhile. I think it was a big help for the lower belts that are getting ready for their tests. We also did a few fun drills toward the end that had to do with using the appropriate muscle groups and our center for tension and not just the shoulders or arms. Tasha was having fun with those.
The second class revolved around strange and unusual combinations for the upper ranks, and test preparation for the younger ranks. We were doing all sorts of fun and unusual combinations, eventually evolving to the jumping, spinning variety of techniques that we virtually never do in class. At one point Garls-san recommended that we try to do scissors throw and pushed me forward, alluding to the time that I got my set of right toes broken. A chuckle was had by most, but I wouldn’t be the one that walked away in pain tonight. Oh no.
I will leave the incident to be recounted by
After class we ran down to Jimmy Johns after stopping at home to change clothes and get our rent payment together to drop off to my uncle, who was conveniently working late right next door to the restaurant. We met
I’m sure more hilarity will ensue this weekend at D&D, when the Meat Lord Strikes Back.
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