Well, I found out last night my true feelings on crying. It’s DEFINITELY not a sign of weakness, it’s DEFINITELY inevitable sometimes.
I didn’t even know Jeanne as well as those that were in her direct family, but I couldn’t help but cry a little (or maybe a moderate amount) when she passed away last night. She was a great woman… extremely stubborn, but she would go to the mat for you if she thought you were right. In the end, though, it was her time. She was in a lot of pain in her last few days and it was more a relief that she was done dealing with that.
I think I was more upset because Tasha was… it’s hard to see one of the emotionally toughest people you know get news like that and not be able to do anything about it.
I was beginning to get suspicious that I wasn’t going to handle death well when I was at dinner with
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