I hope tonights workout is a light one… I am fighting a losing battle v. the Sandman this morning. I don’t know what happened to the days when I could stay up until 4 am and then turn around and get up at 8 am and stay functional all day long.
On deck this week:
We also have our ballroom dancing class on Sunday… last week we were joined by a new couple: Withered Husk and Pigface. Unfortunately, they appeared to have about an ounce of previous experience coupled with no peripheral vision which caused them to almost crash into Tasha and I on more than one occasion.
The class is still mighty fun, but I am getting more and more frustrated by my inability to get timing right. Also, by no fault of hers, Tasha doesn’t seem to be getting the cues that I’m giving to lead into the next steps. I need to wire up one of those LCD displays to my chest so I can broadcast my next move before I attempt to lead that direction. That would definitely help matters.
As the weeks tick past, we draw closer and closer to my first paid vacation. It is now four weeks away. w00t!
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