The workout last night was one of the most eye-opening experiences I’ve had in a long time. McCabe said it best when he said that it’s like learning the katas all over again. We’re beginning to work through much of the content of Sensei Hartman’s thesis, and let me tell you… it is pretty amazing stuff.
Most people that head for their go-dan give a pretty intellectual display, which is something to be expected. The difference between this stuff and the normal fare for the high level black belt theses are that this stuff works along with requiring the intellectual muscle flexing too.
During the workout there were several “aha” moments; they mostly had to do with how my hips were operating during Kanku Dai. The common learned method of generating hip power thus far has been pretty ineffecient, but I found out that using your hips in the logical way every time not only is more efficient, it works better too!
I don’t know why it’s collectively taken us this long to get here from there, but I sure am glad we’re getting drug along behind the Magical Mystery Tour Bus on this one.
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