This year at GenCon,
Not much time passed before my glazed over browsing was broken by Matt, looking like he was 10 again and Santa Claus had brought him something good. He drug me over to the guy’s booth, and there they were… “Japanese” Star Wars DVDs, the whole triology for $50.
We both bought them, and started spreading the word. I hadn’t gotten around to watching them tonight, and I was a bit concerned by Matt’s reports that his weren’t playing in his Xbox. I crack mine open, ignoring the relatively bad cover printed on a laserjet printer and popped it into my Xbox.
Whoa, let me tell you that the title screens were crappy, but the DVD is there. It appears to be a copy of the Star Wars Laserdisks, which haven’t been readily available for a VERY long time. Apparently either the Japanese branch of Lucasfilm has really let itself go, or this guy was just fibbing.
It is better quality than VHS and included all of the original triology goodness, which was all of my requirements met. Matte lines, Han Solo shoots first, no crappy Nintendo 64 rendered “new” scenes… stuff dreams are made of. I’m eager to get the new edition that comes out next month, I want to see how bad it’s become.
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