Today I went to lunch with the four man Indian contingent from my group. They’re very nice guys and I enjoy hanging around with them, so I didn’t think too much of it.
We went to Quizno’s and had some subs, but a couple of the guys wanted to come back and share the food that their wives had made up so they didn’t get into trouble. I agreed to come and hang out with them since we were in the middle of a cultural discussion anyway.
So we sit down, and they break out their Indian food. They’re eating, remarking how good it is and how full they are from Quizno’s. They ask me if I wanted to try some of their curry. I said that I was full. They ate for awhile longer and they were filling up, so they asked me if I wanted to try just a bite to see what it was like.
I agreed.
This was cabbage curry and they claimed it was medium spicy. I agreed to take a little bit on a wheat pancake thing they had to eat it with. I knew I was in trouble when all of the Indian guys started to pay attention at my reaction. It tasted like steamed veggies at first, and then it started with a few pricks of spices… and then the fire started.
Good Lord, that stuff was hot. The strange thing is that I didn’t dislike it. I only had a bite of that and a bite of their yogurt that they had to temper the spices. I think I would have to take a half-day off should I have a complete meal of the stuff, but it was pretty good.
Broadening my horizons up in here. Bam.
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