Last night marked the second appearance this year of Sensei Quinn. It’s always good to see him, I missed his last appearance because of an extremely heavy workload. The first class was rife with basics. I was next to the white belts that had only been there for two classes, so it became my job to help them out.
Toward the end of the beginner class, Sensei Brewer had us split up into partners for a partner drill. I ended up partnerless, so I helped correct. This was good because it allowed me to watch McCabe-san get pulverized by Sensei Quinn. At one point McCabe blocked Quinn’s hand right up into his own teeth, which visibly loosened them. This was only the first of many headwounds that McCabe would receive, but he got a reprieve through most of the second class.
The second class was basics for the first part and partner drills for the second. I got across from Sensei Brewer, which is always a lesson in getting your ass handed to you. We were doing one of my favorite combinations: reverse punch to side thrust kick. I kept up pretty well on this one, Sensei Brewer even complimented me a few times which is always nice.
Then we switched up to jab/reverse punch. I am notoriously bad when I attempt to have the balls to do this combination because I get half way there and chicken out. He showed me a few tricks on how to “fake” your way closer to your opponent. It worked to some degree, but since he knew what was coming he could compensate for it. We rotated a few times and I ended across from Erbe-san. The tricks completely worked on him, so I need to work on this some more so they will work on everyone.
After this, Sensei Brewer had us all line up in front of Sensei Quinn for the Kill the Black Belt drill. None of us did, with the exception of Sensei Brewer and Sensei Hartman. I tried my side thrust kick with minimal effect. Then we rotated a few times and I was up in the front. I did pretty well with most people, but Sensei Quinn got up in front of me, made a barking sound and then either made a huge step or launched airborne and landed a side thrust kick RIGHT IN MY CHEST. There was nothing I could do, and he is one solid man.
And then came Sensei Brewer’s turn. I got in front of him and threw a few lame punches or something, and I was waiting for him to move in with anything so I could kick. He didn’t move in until my timing was well broken and he got me with about five techniques. I love it when he does that.
McCabe-san got trauma #2 with Sensei Brewer. They both came in with lunge punches and hit about the same time, however Sensei Brewer has slightly longer reach and socked McCabe right below the left eye. It was already bruising by the time he left last night. I hope he has stock in Tylenol.
Last night’s workout was exceedingly good. I learned things, got beat up on, and have a good story involving Sensei Quinn. This weekend we have a demo in Mapleton, so that will be fun as well.
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