This is our new rabbit, Perl. She has a longer name that has been somewhat in flux lately, but we’ll announce that later.
Where the answer is almost always 42.
This is our new rabbit, Perl. She has a longer name that has been somewhat in flux lately, but we’ll announce that later.
Last night was pretty hectic. I had a big division meeting in the morning, so I was at work at the ungodly 7 am hour. Luckily, they supplied coffee and I was in a jittery, nervous state for about 3/4 of the event. Afterward, I had a lunch meeting in another building, so I went […]
Popular interests among dante8’s friends 1. computers (5) 11. sports (1) 2. karate (4) 12. hobos (1) 3. metal (2) 13. coffee (1) 4. mp3s (2) 14. hardcore (1) 5. art (2) 15. girls (1) 6. video games (2) 16. music elitism (1) 7. programming (2) 17. harmonica (1) 8. classical (1) 18. indie music […]
Last night Joe had another… incident. Tasha and I had decided to have him out at the same time as Perl. We did a pretty good job at keeping them apart, but Joe is now very aware that there is a female rabbit in the house. Joe was so enamoured with Perl, he wanted to […]
I don’t even believe this. Oprah has gone too far, she has become too rich and too giving and must be stopped.
Wow, this article describes what happens when you push a dork too far. This guy has software that requires a serial number to register and use the full version. He had trouble getting hacked, so he devised a counterattack: rig up the installer to detect fake serials and delete the users home directory (we’re talking […]
Today is casual day at work. I love casual day. Tonight is ‘s bachelor party. Much hilarity, video gaming, and drinking (on his part) will take place. and I are looking forward to plodding him with DDR and beer until he falls down. Tomorrow is the coming of the Hassell. He will be showing up […]
This morning I had a between alarms dream involving my circle of friends. Tasha, , and I were at this state fair and we were walking around the fairgrounds. Most of the walking around portion of the dream was done in 3/4 birdseye view, like the old Super Nintendo RPG games. At one point I […]
Last night was one of the most fun workouts I’ve had in a long time. It’s not very often that I get to mix it up with the likes of McCabe-san… he’s got a pretty unique sparring style. We took turns tenderizing each other last night and it was spectacular. A few times we both […]
I had a couple of strange dreams last night. In one, I fell down and knocked all my teeth out. Then, in order to preserve my teeth for the dentist to put them back in I had to hold them in my mouth to preserve their freshness. This one is obviously inspired by the recent […]