Until I am much more proficient with patching the kernel and other assorted scary things, this drive is going to reside in my Windows machine and a Samba share will enable me to get at my archived shows.
Among the other planned upgrades are the installation of my spare 40G drive to serve music and emulated video games for my MythTV. It’s not that scary of an upgrade, however I am unfamiliar with my options for partitioning a drive in Linux. Immediately, the purpose of that is to have a repository for my music on the MythTV. I will need to get some USB Gravis Gamepads so I can play emulated games properly but this will happen later, as I have been buying far too many things for myself lately.
The rumor has it that MythTV will soon be supporting AAC files. This would make all of my iTunes music playable through the MythTV with no conversion. I might be able to set it up with symbolic links so I wouldn’t even have to copy the music from my Windows drives, but that may be asking a bit much.
Down the line the only other upgrade I would need to make is a wireless keyboard so I can control the MythWeb browser a little easier from the couch. The trick will be finding one of those that will work with Linux and not cause me to kill things from frustration.
Right now I’m also wrestling with whether or not I want to upgrade the whole darned thing to Fedora Core 2. The guide that I used to get the whole thing set up has switched over to FC2 and it natively supports the better kernel as well as some features that I’d like, but I’m not sure I have the heart to rip this thing down when it’s working so well now. I will have to debate this in my head a little while longer.
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