Halloween has come and gone, and this year was the first year that we’ve had our own place. Tasha wanted to decorate for the ocassion so we elected to build a ghost over our front lamp with a sheet and some wire that she bought. It was a little frustrating, since we unsuccessfully attempted to change the light bulb to a green one so our ghost looked doubly spooky. Also, the wire kept twisting up and was *really* irritating.
It ended up a pretty nice effect, unfortunately no one thought to take pictures. We were also lazy in the pumpkin carving arena… actually, we didn’t even enter the pumpkin carving arena. We just copied our neighbors that were also too lazy and put out an uncarved pumpkin.
We only had between 25 and 50 trick or treaters, several of which were at or near teenagers. There was one group of teenagers that elected to take whole fistfuls of candy, but it really didn’t matter much since we had enough left over to pig out until kidney failure set in.
Among common trends this year: Power Rangers, Yu Gi Oh (I think, might’ve been Dragonball Z), and goth people. One 10 year old showed up to my front door in drag, complete with dress and wig.
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