I really hate it when I attempt to fix something and it goes horribly wrong. I attempted to fix my MythTV’s Edit Recording feature by upgrading to the CVS version. That did not work well AT ALL.
I’ve got most of the bolts back on my MythTV now, with the noteable exception of TV output. The system still runs, records, and plays back audio, but will not display via my TV anymore. For some reason this change to CVS made my system aware that my sound card was needed so it subsequently locked it up so I couldn’t use it.
That’s resolved now, I’m waiting around for some Higher Nerd to email me with some suggestions on how to fix this X11 Configuration file. Waiting on other nerds really pisses me off. It mostly pisses me off that I don’t know how to fix this and there’s no good place to find out how.
I’ve been through all the tutorials, the tests work for the individual components, but when I attempt to make X Windows play the system through my TV it just doesn’t work. Bastards.
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