This week I am happy to report that I am on vacation. Barring a few meetings I had to stick my head in on yesterday and today, I’ve been at home enjoying my own lazy blissful nature.
As previously mentioned, I had a meeting today that I had to return to work for. I asked to be a part of this meeting, because it was the place where I got to delight our process owners, which is something that I wanted to do first-hand. At one point, one of the guys in this meeting said… “let me get this straight… you took the feature that was taking 45 minutes to return information and got it down to 11 seconds? And decided that it was so good you made it the default? That’s incredible.”
So the meeting was a rousing victory.
Also rousing victories this week: THE MYTHTV SYSTEM WORKS! I installed Fedora Core 2 on it, and took the opportunity to install a DVD drive that I had laying around. It worked like a charm, now my MythTV is working again and can play DVDs!! I’m going to for the trifecta tomorrow, where I will attempt to make it play emulators as well. That may be somewhat trickier, but I’m going to give it a shot anyway.
I am resolved now to not install anything on it except for versioned releases. I tried CVS once and got burned, so I’ve learned my lesson.
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