I am thrilled to say that this weekend I actually got what I wanted for Christmas: a weekend of relaxation an no obligations. It was great! On Saturday, I got up and went to Karate, which was a little difficult and a lot fun. After I came home from that I walked the dog (he was thrilled) and proceeded to catch up on my allocation of household chores.
After I got going on those, I went a little crazy and did more than my fair share, including bleaching the toilets. They seriously needed it, and our Master Bathroom toilet is so clean you could have dinner on it. Or at least, it was on Saturday afternoon. Since it has been defiled.
After that unpleasantness, I finished up some Christmas shopping online followed by several hours of programming, where I successfully wrangled the two things I wanted to do this weekend: an initial GUI and writing the image data to files. Next items on the to-do list are the crossover function and more progress towards the final GUI. I will likely take that a component at a time.
Tasha came home and we elected to do some additional Christmas shopping. We’re now extremely close to being done, with just a few small presents left outstanding. After that, we hung ornaments on the tree, which quickly became the biggest nerd holiday frenzy on record. I forgot how many Star Wars and Star Trek ornaments that I had accrued thus far.
Sunday was the definition of a lazy day. I brought Tasha at lunch, where I destroyed the Monster Burger. After that, I went home and programmed some more, and after Tasha came home we went shopping and got some awesome curtains from Wal-Mart (yes, yes, I know, I hate it too). We went home and got those hung, and realized it would look better with a third panel. This blew my mind, when I think curtains I think two. We went out and got the last panel from Wal-Mart and, not surprisingly, it looks awesome.
Then it was bedtime… speaking of bedtime, I found out this weekend that I snore. I had no idea about this, until Tasha told me that whenever she woke up during the night I was sawing logs. She tried to make me stop, but she didn’t jostle me enough. I told her that in the future she should do whatever necessary to make me stop, as I don’t want to irritate her when I am unaware I am doing so. This mildly concerns me, because my Dad snores alot and he has the sleep apnea, which forces him to wear a Darth Vader mask to bed. I don’t want this, because I am not a Master of Evil (neither is my Dad, but I’m going for effect here).
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