Tonight was Christmas with my mom’s side of the family, it went pretty well. My cousins were in from North Carolina, I was shocked to find out that the youngest of the crew is turning to the Dark Side of the Force. By that I mean that he is adopting the non-conformist conformist guise of a skater, complete with hippy disk stretched out earlobes.
I was brutal to him most of the night giving him a hard time for body alterations of this kind, mostly roused by my sister also giving him crap about it. It makes me laugh to listen to my sister sometimes, because she is very much my father’s daughter. She says whatever she is thinking with blatent disregard for politeness or appropriateness and I love her for it.
Either way the night was pretty good… Tasha and I both woke up a tad under the weather this morning. All the swinging around of the temperature has my sinuses in an uproar. Tasha woke up with a migrane that was so bad that she stayed home from work. Needless to say, we were both rather cranky today.
When we finally rolled out of bed and got ready for the day, we elected to go forth and get food for our attempt at the South Beach Diet. We filled our fridge with meat and low fat stuff, and most of it looks edible. Then we went and picked up a few odds and ends before the Christmas party.
The party itself was good, we had tacos which tended to feel more like broken glass on my sore throat. I got some tools from my grandpa, who I can always count on to overdo himself. He’s been a woodworker for many, many years and knows a good set of tools when he’s looking at one. Tasha and I talked him into making us bookshelves for our Red Room and he seemed pretty excited about the project by the time we left him.
I was glad to see the end of the evening, though. The loudness and bustle of that house was a little grating when you’re already feeling a little low. I’m starting to turn the corner now, I’m feeling quite a bit better. After we got home we de-Christmasified the front room, and put the Christmas Tree out for the garbage men. I’m a little happy to see it gone, since we hadn’t really gotten to see the room with only the furniture in there in the proper configuration. We’re going to tweak a few things after the party is done tomorrow so it’s a little more livable.
That’s all for now, I’m going to listen to a little more music from my iPod and then head to bed.
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