On Friday I got just enough into doing some new development that it got my nerd juices flowing again. I cracked open the source for my Genetic Art software and decided that much of it was poorly constructed. I have not done anything about this yet as I don’t want to fudge the bucket without the time to fix it, but fix it I will.
I’m learning how to build applications using Struts, which is a pretty large departure from the “hang a few html pages together with some Perl and PHP and call it done” method that I’ve used in the past. I’ve just done a few simple things with it so far, but I can definitely tell that it is a Good Thing.
I’m struggling with getting Tomcat installed on my Apache server I’ve got laying around and it’s not going too well. Mostly because by the time I start on it I’m too lazy to finish. Therefore, the Struts stuff I’m doing here at home will be destined to run locally until that server wants to work.
I also found out that Snes9x may run better with my MythGame setup so I will try getting that set up soon so I can have at least SOME emulation on my MythTV.
The net result of thinking about Nerd Things all day prompted me to play with my Genetic Art software and rediscover some images that I made it crap out when I finished it for my Honors Project. I scaled one of my favorites that I titled “Neon Sunrise” down and it will now adorn my nerding blogs.
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