This weekend was GOOD. I learned some interesting stuff during the weekend Karate workout, but after that it was pure rest and relaxation.
We went to the store after Tasha got off work, and then we decided to try a South Beach approved meatloaf recipe from one of the books. Despite some minor panic that ensued because of the cooking time on long grain rice, the recipe went off without a hitch. The only complaint about the meatloaf was that there wasn’t enough of it. Also, Tasha tried the Quaker Oats recipe for oatmeal cookies only with South Beach approved substitutions. They were so good that between the five of us we ate our weight in oats.
This has not manifested itself for me yet, but I’m sure this will cause the Baby Ruth doody.
The Deadlands session went well this weekend, however it was punctuated by quite a bit of distraction that kept the story from progressing as far as I would’ve liked. And it turns out the combat system in Deadlands is more than just a little cumbersome for the Marshall.
Sunday we slept until noon. It was glorious. My soon to be brother-in-law stopped over to drop off a table for Tasha’s brother, apparently we got volunteered to hold it until he could come pick it up. The rest of the day (and I mean the WHOLE REST OF THE DAY) was spent playing Fable together as a couple. It was pretty fun, and we got some pretty cool stuff accomplished in-game. Man alive, are we dorks. 🙂
I may take tonight away from the dojo since I have some family stuff that I’ve gotta get caught up on. I still plan on making Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday. That way I get a little more time in front of Sensei Brewer, as
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