On the way to work this morning I was coming up the ramp on the way to Edmunds Street and I saw that someone had hit a little beagle. He looked pretty young, probably three or four years old and it was sad to see him lying on the side of the road.
I only hope that whoever’s dog that was doesn’t use that ramp, because it upset me and I had absolutely no attachment to the dog whatsoever. I mean, that ramp has like a 20 mph speed limit… how in the hell can you not see a dog going 20?!?!
It’s little things like this that make me happy that we walk Teddy everywhere. The most trauma that dog’s been through was when we held him down and cut the hair between his toes this weekend. We discovered that he has one really badly damaged toenail on one of his front feet, which explains his skittishness when we try to mess with his feet. We’ve gotta figure out how to get those toenails cut without him having a stroke.
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