I got to lead warm-ups last night and I elected to do some rapid-fire kata instead of bouncing. My rationale there is that I find bouncing retardedly boring, especially the amounts that we’ve been doing lately. So I figure fast kata is about as much cardio as a Oedewaldt-sized batch of bouncing, so we did it. It was pretty OK, some of the kids were jacking around but they do that all the time anyway.
First class was basics and kata heavy, which we needed. McCabe-san (purple belt) exhibited his brass vag by stopping during most everything, further cementing his “not taking a test this year” stance that he’s desired. My Dad did a pretty good job keeping up, he’s really impressing me with his endurance this go around.
Second class was 1st kyu, shodan, and nidan tests all rolled into one. I felt terrible during everything that wasn’t the Nidan test, and it surprises me to find that I can’t do san-bon-zuku anymore without putting the jab in there and pulling back. This troubles me on some levels and pleases me on others. We rounded out the night by getting some “open swim” time to do some kata, but we were pretty much spent by then. We did get through a triple Empi just for good measure, but there wasn’t a whole lot of stank behind it.
I’m looking forward to a bit of a rest this weekend. Hooray!
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