Since I worked a half-day on Sunday and I have to work a half-day on Saturday this week, I asked for yesterday off. I got it and it happily coincided with Tasha’s day off and we got a lot of house-related stuff done. Including sleeping until 11 am.
We selected paint for our kitchen, which will be applied this weekend. It’s an interesting blue purple color dubbed “Blurple” by the fine folks over at Dutch Boy. There was a fruity fruit drink in the 80’s called “Burple” and for some reason it reminded me of that. It used to come in a big accordian bottle that you added water to and then mashed around until it was mixed up. It tasted mostly like Kool-Aid. And for the life of me I can’t find a picture of the stuff online. *sigh* That reminds me for some reason of Hi-C’s Octo-Cooler, which the Internet tells me is now called Orange Tangergreen. That stuff was/is? outstanding.
We topped off the evening by having our birthday dinner of my Mom’s spaghetti, cake, and ice cream. My parents gave me $50 to put towards anything I want. I can’t decide if I use it for MythTV upgrades or save it to enjoy during our New Orleans trip. We’ll see if I get any other money from the rest of the family.
Finally, it was time for
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